Saturday, March 1, 2008

Self Portait

I can't take credit for this clever pic. My friend was trying to get a shot of me and I used my painting as a shield...duh! Anyhow, it turned out pretty cool looking, as if I meant to do it on purpose. A bit of info on the painting, this is a self portrait of me when I was 18! Yikes, 10 years ago!!!! Anyway, it was my very first attempt using acrylics and I managed to get an award for it in school, so yay!! Also, it's quiet obvious I went for the "Morrissey Album Cover" look.


Joseph Lee said...

Pretty sweet Raul! Super creative as expected from the great one. When are you setting up a links section?

moDiD. said...

as soon as I figure it out :(

Anonymous said...

Raul, you freakishly talented sonofabitch. I love your artwork so hard that it hurts.

moDiD. said...

Ahh shucks mistuh!